A quest to uncover YOUR unique power through oracle card reading


To mark our online debut, Mils Tarot wants to collab with you by offering steep cash-back discounts for detailed feedback!


Mils has been reading cards of all kinds since she bought her first deck, The Way of Cartouche, at the age of 10.



"Well, to sum up, Mils you are awesome at this and don’t worry about reading to a stranger and to someone away from you because you nailed it hahah I loved your work and you were very accurate."


You were so dead on.


As soon as I saw the first row of cards I knew what it was about ... I absolutely loved your reading and it was very accurate. It was beautiful and insightful, you seem very kind and fun. The cards were beautiful and the set up very pro. There was a mood set which added to this being an experience. Thank you so much. I'm very grateful for it.

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My products

a tarot deck deck with a tarot deck
a tarot deck deck with a tarot deck

1 card interpretation (15 min)

$ 36

An image of three cards spread on a table
An image of three cards spread on a table

3 card interpretation (30 min)

$ 57

a table with a lot of cards and a lot of other items
a table with a lot of cards and a lot of other items

$ 445

Classic Reading (1-2 Hours)


Trade your feedback for $50 off!

Let's Collab!

We're making it internet official in a big way.

Our You-and-memancy special offers deep discounts along with deep insight. For a limited time, Mils' Tarot is seeking collaborators to trade detailed reading feedback for up to $50 cash back the online-only You-and-memancy price.

You-and-memancy readings run 30 - 45 minutes in length for a regular price of $250.

Learn more about Mils' Tarot You-and-memancy